Haitian Creole Translations FAQs
The Haitian Creole language can be mistakenly viewed as a very complex and confusing dialect. Our team of Haitian Creole speakers specializes in making sure every word is translated with precision and compassion.
What is a Creole language?
A Creole language is a stable natural language developed from a mixture of different languages. Creole itself is not a language. The majority of creole languages are based on English, Portuguese, French, Spanish and other languages — their superstrate language — with local or immigrant languages as substrate languages. For example, Haitian Creole is spoken in Haiti, Louisiana Creole is spoken in Louisiana, and Portuguese Creole is spoken in Cape Verde.
The lexicon of a Creole usually consists of words clearly borrowed from a superstrate language, except for phonetic and semantic shifts; on the other hand, the grammar often has original features and may differ substantially from those of the superstrate language.
Understanding Haitian Creole Translation
Who will be translating my copy?
Why are multimedia translations so beneficial?
What is Haitian Creole?
Haitian Creole, or kreyòl, is the most widely spoken Creole language in the world. It is a French-based Creole that emerged from contact between the French settlers and African slaves during the colonial period.
Why can’t I just translate my materials into French?
Because Haitian Creole is an entirely separate language. While it resembles French because of the vocabulary, the grammar is completely different. Approximately 5% of all Haitians speak French fluently and all Haitians speak Haitian Creole.
It is best to have your materials translated by a professional Haitian Creole translator with an expert understanding of the use of vocabulary and grammar.
How many people speak Haitian Creole?
There is an estimated 9.6-12 million Creole speakers worldwide. Haitians are the largest Creole speaking community in the world.
Do you only translate from English to Haitian Creole?
We have the capacity to translate all documents intended for a Haitian audience. We translate between French, English, and Haitian Creole.
Do you offer certified translations?
You may require a notarized translation of your document for court proceedings, especially regarding civil & commercial cases, or for administration purposes. We will send you a PDF version as well as the hard copy via mail.
Where are you located?
Our main office is located in the Chicagoland area. We have gained the trust of clients all over the world while offering them our knowledge and experience.
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